Specialized Tutoring
Specialized Tutoring
We have tutoring services available for all subject areas, based on referral from parents, teachers, physicians or from within our speech department. Tutoring is directed by thorough diagnostic assessments completed by our speech and language therapy team and based on identified strengths and learning differences. Services are provided by certified teachers, speech-language pathologists, and support staff with specialized training in Learning Disabilities and in the Orton-Gillingham Approach. This is a results-oriented approach to make improvements in areas of weakness. Specialized tutoring services may include:
- Comprehensive evaluation to provide diagnosis, intervention planning, and documentation of learning differences
- Recommendations for accommodations to help your child succeed in the classroom
- Individualized intervention using evidence-based instructional approaches to address specific identified areas of weakness
- Intensive remediation sessions and/or blocked sessions based on situational needs to more aggressively address areas of need
- Individual and peer tutoring services